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        High performance PE UD fabric is made of high tenacity and high modulus PE fiber, which is widely applied in national defence, military,police,finance,elisor, maritime. It is main used in bulletproof plate,soft bulletproof vest, bulletproof helmet, explosion-proof apparatus ect.

        National defence and military: Shente high tenacity and high modulus PE fiber has good impact resistance and high energy absorption,it can be made into protective materials, helmet, bulletproof materials, such as helicopter, tank and ship’s armor protective plate, radar’s hood, missile’s  hood.

南汇区| 湖南省| 宁南县| 连南| 屯留县| 芮城县| 阳春市| 新余市| 林芝县| 康乐县| 辉县市| 石首市| 昆山市| 白山市| 楚雄市| 丰城市| 雅安市| 德阳市| 刚察县| 丰镇市| 诏安县| 鸡西市| 双峰县| 镇赉县| 浦东新区| 苍山县| 上饶市| 新野县| 藁城市| 南投县| 邢台市| 大连市| 台北县| 南岸区| 高碑店市| 云安县| 旺苍县| 开远市| 台安县| 浪卡子县| 西华县|